Sr.No Name of Staff Designation Qualification Years
01. Dr. D. A. Vidhate H.O.D(IT)  Asso. Prof. Ph.D. (Computer) M.E.(CSE-IT) 20
02. Prof.Mrs.M.N.Kale Asst. Prof. M.E. (IT) 16
03. Prof.Ms.A.B.Bavane Asst. Prof. M.Tech. (IT) 15
04. Prof. R.G. Raut Asst. Prof. M.Tech. (CSE) 15
05. Prof. G.M. Dahane Asst. Prof. M. Tech. (Comp) 15
06. Prof.Ms.S.S.Pophale Asst. Prof. M.E. (CSE) 14
07. Prof. A.A. Pund Asst. Prof. M.E. Computer 13
08 Prof. Mrs. P.S. Gayke Asst. Prof.  M.Tech. (CSE)  10
09. Prof.Ms.P.S.Kajale Asst. Prof. M.E (CSE) 09

Technical & Support Staff

Sr.No Name of Staff Designation Qualification Years
01. Mrs. H.P. Patekar Lat. Tech. Dip. ETC 24
02. Shri. R.B. Gawade System Admin Dip.Comp. 12
03. Miss. M.H.Darandale Lab.Asstt B.E.Electronics 18
04. Shri. O.M. Dhanawate  Peon 10th 24